How to de-stress your cat before you travel!

Pet Boarders in Dubai

The extremely independent nature of cats may mislead cat owners into thinking that they can do well on their own if their owners leave them for a few days and ask other to feed them fresh water and food every day. 

The reality, however, couldn’t be any different. Cats are adorable creatures that need human interaction, someone to play with and a lot of affection! One option that you may have while travelling is to leave your cat with a friend or family member. However, most family members and friends aren't too keen about animals at their place, so it’s better to take them to a boarding facility for the length of your trip.

 Most facilities today come with top quality boarding. Pet Boarding Dubai even have their own Pet relocation services that you can avail if you’re getting late for your flight or have some other issues that need to be addressed. 

Here are a few tips to help prevent stress in your cats before you part with them:

Observe your cat's neighbourhood!

Cats are sensitive animals that get stressed when faced with unusual noises or situations. Most pet facilities that board cats, board dogs too! Your pet cat may get stressed because of all the sounds that dogs and other animals make.

 If your pet boarder boards dogs and other animals, visit your boarder and ensure that your boarding facility allows separate boarding areas for different animals. Bu its, not just different animals you need to look out for!

 Cats may get aggressive and stressed out when they see other cats in sight. If your cat gets aggressive when it sees another cat, talk to your pet boarder and ask them about placing your cat kennel in a place that’s far away from all the other cat kennels in an attempt to avoid literal “catfights”.

Choose the right sized Kennel!

The kennel you use for your cat or the one that boarding facilities have in place should be big enough to be able to cater to their litter box, food and a lounging area. Your cat should have their own personal space within the kennel. Although it can’t be the same size as your living room, it should be enough to let it move around in!  

Prepare for your cat’s departure. Bedding, toys, cardboard boxes big enough for cats to hide in. Use these supplies to help the cat acclimatise to the conditions. Once they get comfortable around them, makes sure to include these in their boarding space. Most boarders allow pet owners to bring in their own supplies.

Pet Boarders in Dubai

Allow them to socialize with peers!

Although boarders know more than well to allow socializing between cats, if you have more than one cat, allow the boarders to let them roam free at the same time. Not only does that give them a chance to socialize, familiar animals help keep stress at bay.

Don’t stress out!

Researchers at the Ohio State University School of Veterinary Medicine have discovered that cats are extremely sensitive to stress levels around them, which is why we advise that pet parents be cautious about the way they act or pretend to act around cats. Ensure that you don’t let your stress of leaving your pets rub off on your pet. Not only will it leave them stressed but it also might cause them to fall ill.


Boarding facilities may be very stressful for cats especially if they’ve never been to one before, always leave detailed emergency information including that of you your friends and your vet for the boarders to refer to if need be.

Your pet may not find the same environment as their own home no matter where they go. However, facilities offering pet boarding today may come very close to providing them the care they need, and they’re used to. Pet boarding in Dubai have expanded pet facilities to include playgrounds and play areas for their cats and dogs in an attempt to ensure that your cat is a happy cat! 

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